Udemy Content Creation 100% Off - RoboAuthor: Content Writing Automation 2020 - Part 3

We must know that Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Create Amazing Content Today— What does that mean to writers?
Stop struggling to write and start creating. By the way, you can forget that something called the "writer's block" exists.
If you think e-books can be written with the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), then you might not be surprised to find out how many popular media organizations, including The New York Times, Associated Press, Bloomberg, Washington Post, and Yahoo! Sports are already using AI to produce content. For example, the Press Association can now use AI to generate 30,000 local news stories a month. You may think these are formulaic ones who are sure to be some of them, what, where, and when stories and you are right. Yet now, beyond formulaic fiction, AI-written material has extended to more creative writing projects such as poetry and novels. In this futuristic course RoboAuthor 3.0, we will look at AI tools that will help you generate unique ebooks in merely minutes on any topic of your choice. We will also look at

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